Source code for tigercontrol.models.boosting.simple_boost

AR(p): Linear combination of previous values

import tigercontrol
import jax
import jax.numpy as np
from tigercontrol.models.optimizers.losses import mse

[docs]class SimpleBoost: """ Description: Implements the equivalent of an AR(p) model - predicts a linear combination of the previous p observed values in a time-series """ compatibles = set(['TimeSeries'])
[docs] def __init__(self): self.initialized = False
def initialize(self, model_id, model_params, N=3, loss=mse, reg=0.0): """ Description: Initializes autoregressive model parameters Args: model_id (string): id of weak learner model model_params (dict): dict of params to pass model N (int): default 3. Number of weak learners loss (function): loss function for boosting method reg (float): default 1.0. constant for regularization. """ self.initialized = True # initialize proxy loss proxy_loss = lambda y_pred, v:, v) + (reg/2) * np.sum(y_pred**2) # 1. Maintain N copies of the algorithm assert N > 0 self.N = N self.models = [] for _ in range(N): new_model = tigercontrol.model(model_id) new_model.initialize(**model_params) new_model.optimizer.set_loss(proxy_loss) # proxy loss self.models.append(new_model) def _prev_predict(x): y = [] cur_y = 0 for i, model_i in enumerate(self.models): eta_i = 2 / (i + 2) y_pred = model_i.predict(x) cur_y = (1 - eta_i) * cur_y + eta_i * y_pred y.append(cur_y) return [np.zeros(shape=y[0].shape)] + y self._prev_predict = _prev_predict def _get_grads(y_true, prev_predicts): g = jax.grad(loss) v_list = [g(y_prev, y_true) for y_prev in prev_predicts] return v_list self._get_grads = jax.jit(_get_grads) def to_ndarray(self, x): """ Description: If x is a scalar, transform it to a (1, 1) numpy.ndarray; otherwise, leave it unchanged. Args: x (float/numpy.ndarray) Returns: A numpy.ndarray representation of x """ x = np.asarray(x) if np.ndim(x) == 0: x = x[None] return x def predict(self, x): assert self.initialized x = self.to_ndarray(x) self._prev_predicts = self._prev_predict(x) return self._prev_predicts[-1] def update(self, y): assert self.initialized grads = self._get_grads(y, self._prev_predicts) for grad_i, model_i in zip(grads[:-1], self.models): model_i.update(grad_i) def help(self): """ Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None """ print(AutoRegressor_help)
# string to print when calling help() method AutoRegressor_help = """ -------------------- *** -------------------- Id: AutoRegressor Description: Implements the equivalent of an AR(p) model - predicts a linear combination of the previous p observed values in a time-series Methods: initialize() Description: Initializes autoregressive model parameters Args: p (int): Length of history used for prediction step(x) Description: Run one timestep of the model in its environment then update internal parameters Args: x (int/numpy.ndarray): Value at current time-step Returns: Predicted value for the next time-step predict(x) Description: Predict next value given present value Args: x (int/numpy.ndarray): Value at current time-step Returns: Predicted value for the next time-step update(y, loss, lr) Description: Updates parameters based on correct value, loss and learning rate. Args: y (int/numpy.ndarray): True value at current time-step loss (function): (optional) lr (float): Returns: None help() Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None -------------------- *** -------------------- """