Source code for tigercontrol.models.control.kalman_filter

Kalman Filter

import jax.numpy as np
import tigercontrol
from tigercontrol.models.control import ControlModel

[docs]class KalmanFilter(ControlModel): """ Description: Kalman Filter adjusts measurements of a signal based on prior states and knowledge of intrinsic equations of the system. More precisely, we know that the signal at time t is a linear combination of its previous value plus a control signal u(t) and a process noise w(t - 1), i.e. x(t) = A x(t - 1) + B u(t) + w(t), and that the measurement at time t is a linear combination of the signal value and the measurement noise v(t), i.e. z(t) = H x(t) + v(t). Based on these, the model can advance by itself in time using a 'time' update and/or incorporate and correct a measurement using a 'measurement' update: a. Time Update (prediction) - Project state ahead: x(t) = A x(t - 1) + B u(t) - Project error covariance ahead: P(t) = A P(t - 1) A^T + Q b. Measurement Update - Compute Kalman Gain: K(t) = P(t) H^T (H P(t) H^T + R)^{-1} - Update estimate based on measurement: x(t) = x(t) + K(t) (z(t) - H x(t)) - Update error covariance: P(t) = (I - K(t) H) P(t) where we assume w(t) ~ N(0, Q) and v(t) ~ N(0, R). The user must provide estimates for A, B, H, Q and R, as well as initial estimates for x(0) and P(0). """ compatibles = set([])
[docs] def __init__(self): self.initialized = False
def to_ndarray(self, x): """ Description: If x is a scalar, transform it to a (1, 1) numpy.ndarray; otherwise, leave it unchanged. Args: x (float/numpy.ndarray) Returns: A numpy.ndarray representation of x """ x = np.asarray(x) if np.ndim(x) == 0: x_2D = x[None, None] return x_2D def initialize(self, x, A, B, H, P, Q, R): """ Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model. Args: x (float/numpy.ndarray): estimate of x(0) A (float/numpy.ndarray): past value contribution coefficient B (float/numpy.ndarray): control signal contribution coefficient H (float/numpy.ndarray): true signal contribution coefficient P (float/numpy.ndarray): initial estimate of error covariance P(0) Q (float/numpy.ndarray): covariance of model noise w(t) R (float/numpy.ndarray): covariance of environment noise v(t) Returns: None """ self.initialized = True x, A, B, H, P, Q, R = self.to_ndarray(x), self.to_ndarray(A), self.to_ndarray(B), self.to_ndarray(H), self.to_ndarray(P), self.to_ndarray(Q), self.to_ndarray(R) self.x, self.A, self.B, self.H, self.P, self.Q, self.R = x, A, B, H, P, Q, R self.K = np.ndarray(A.shape) def step(self, u, z, n = 1): """ Description: Takes input measurement and control signal at current time-step, updates internal parameters, then returns the corresponding estimated true value. Args: u (float/numpy.ndarray): control signal at current time-step z (float/numpy.ndarray): measurement at current time-step n (non-negative int): number of 'time' updates before 'measurement' update Returns: Estimated true value """ u, z = self.to_ndarray(u), self.to_ndarray(z) for i in range(n): # time update self.x = self.A @ self.x + self.B @ u self.P = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q # measurement update self.K = self.P @ self.H.T @ np.linalg.inv(self.H @ self.P @ self.H.T + self.R) self.x = self.x + self.K @ (z - self.H @ self.x) self.P = self.P - self.K @ self.H @ self.P if(type(z) is float): return float(self.x) else: return self.x def predict(self, u, z, n = 1): """ Description: Takes input measurement and control signal at current time-step, and returns the corresponding estimated true value Args: u (float/numpy.ndarray): control signal at current time-step z (float/numpy.ndarray): measurement at current time-step Returns: Estimated true value """ u, z = self.to_ndarray(u), self.to_ndarray(z) for i in range(n): # time update x_temp = self.A @ self.x + self.B @ u P_temp = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q # measurement update K_temp = P_temp @ self.H.T @ np.linalg.inv(self.H @ P_temp @ self.H.T + self.R) x_temp = x_temp + K_temp @ (z - self.H @ x_temp) if(type(z) is not np.ndarray): return float(x_temp) else: return x_temp def help(self): """ Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None """ print(KalmanFilter_help) def __str__(self): return "<KalmanFilter Model>"
# string to print when calling help() method KalmanFilter_help = """ -------------------- *** -------------------- Id: KalmanFilter Description: Kalman Filter adjusts measurements of a signal based on prior states and knowledge of intrinsic equations of the system. More precisely, we know that the signal at time t is a linear combination of its previous value plus a control signal u(t) and a process noise w(t - 1), i.e. x(t) = A x(t - 1) + B u(t) + w(t), and that the measurement at time t is a linear combination of the signal value and the measurement noise v(t), i.e. z(t) = H x(t) + v(t). Based on these, the model can advance by itself in time using a 'time' update and/or incorporate and correct a measurement using a 'measurement' update: a. Time Update (prediction) - Project state ahead: x(t) = A x(t - 1) + u(t) - Project error covariance ahead: P(t) = A P(t - 1) A^T + Q b. Measurement Update - Compute Kalman Gain: K(t) = P(t) H^T (H P(t) H^T + R)^{-1} - Update estimate based on measurement: x(t) = x(t) + K(t) (z(t) - H x(t)) - Update error covariance: P(t) = (I - K(t) H) P(t) where we assume w(t) ~ N(0, Q) and v(t) ~ N(0, R). The user must provides estimates for A, B, H, Q and R, as well as initial estimates for x(0) and P(0). Methods: initialize(x, A, B, H, P, Q, R) Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model. Args: x (float/numpy.ndarray): estimate of x(0) A (float/numpy.ndarray): past value contribution coefficient B (float/numpy.ndarray): control signal contribution coefficient H (float/numpy.ndarray): true signal contribution coefficient P (float/numpy.ndarray): initial estimate of error covariance P(0) Q (float/numpy.ndarray): covariance of model noise w(t) R (float/numpy.ndarray): covariance of environment noise v(t) Returns: None step(x) Description: Takes input measurement and returns the corresponding estimated true value, then updates internal parameters Args: z (float/numpy.ndarray): easurement at current time-step Returns: Estimated true value predict(x) Description: Takes input measurement and returns the corresponding estimated true value Args: z (float/numpy.ndarray): measurement at current time-step Returns: Estimated true value update(rule=None) Description: Takes update rule and adjusts internal parameters Args: rule (function): rule with which to alter parameters Returns: None help() Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None -------------------- *** -------------------- """