Source code for tigercontrol.models.optimizers.ons

Newton Step optimizer

from tigercontrol.models.optimizers.core import Optimizer
from tigercontrol.models.optimizers.losses import mse
from tigercontrol import error
from jax import jit, grad
import jax.numpy as np

# regular numpy is necessary for cvxopt to work
import numpy as onp
from cvxopt import matrix, solvers
solvers.options['show_progress'] = False

[docs]class ONS(Optimizer): """ Online newton step algorithm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pred=None, loss=mse, learning_rate=1.0, hyperparameters={}): self.initialized = False = learning_rate self.hps = {'reg':0.00, 'eps':0.0001, 'use_max_norm':False, 'project':False, 'full_matrix':False} self.hps.update(hyperparameters) self.eps, self.reg = self.hps['eps'], self.hps['reg'] self.use_max_norm, self.project, self.full_matrix = self.hps['use_max_norm'], self.hps['project'], self.hps['full_matrix'] self.A, self.Ainv = None, None self.pred, self.loss = pred, loss self.numpyify = lambda m: onp.array(m).astype(onp.double) # maps jax.numpy to regular numpy if self._is_valid_pred(pred, raise_error=False) and self._is_valid_loss(loss, raise_error=False): self.set_predict(pred, loss=loss) @jit # partial update step for every matrix in model weights list def partial_update(A, Ainv, grad, w): A = A + np.outer(grad, grad) inv_grad = Ainv @ grad Ainv = Ainv - np.outer(inv_grad, inv_grad) / (1 + grad.T @ Ainv @ grad) new_grad = np.reshape(Ainv @ grad, w.shape) return A, Ainv, new_grad self.partial_update = partial_update
def norm_project(self, y, A, c): """ Project y using norm A on the convex set bounded by c. """ if np.any(np.isnan(y)) or np.all(np.absolute(y) <= c): return y y_shape = y.shape y_reshaped = np.ravel(y) dim_y = y_reshaped.shape[0] P = matrix(self.numpyify(A)) q = matrix(self.numpyify(, y_reshaped))) G = matrix(self.numpyify(np.append(np.identity(dim_y), -np.identity(dim_y), axis=0)), tc='d') h = matrix(self.numpyify(np.repeat(c, 2 * dim_y)), tc='d') solution = np.array(onp.array(solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x'])).squeeze().reshape(y_shape) return solution def general_norm(self, x): x = np.asarray(x) if np.ndim(x) == 0: x = x[None] return np.linalg.norm(x) def update(self, params, x, y, loss=None): """ Description: Updates parameters based on correct value, loss and learning rate. Args: params (list/numpy.ndarray): Parameters of model pred method x (float): input to model y (float): true label loss (function): loss function. defaults to input value. Returns: Updated parameters in same shape as input """ assert self.initialized grad = self.gradient(params, x, y, loss=loss) # defined in optimizers core class # Make everything a list for generality is_list = True if(type(params) is not list): params = [params] grad = [grad] is_list = False # equivalent to adding L2 regularization, since grad(|w|**2) = 2*w grad = [np.ravel(dw) for dw in grad] # initialize A if self.A is None: self.A = [np.eye(dw.shape[0]) * self.eps for dw in grad] self.Ainv = [np.eye(dw.shape[0]) * (1 / self.eps) for dw in grad] eta = # compute max norm and normalize accordingly if(self.max_norm): self.max_norm = np.maximum(self.max_norm, np.linalg.norm([self.general_norm(dw) for dw in grad])) eta = eta / self.max_norm new_values = [self.partial_update(A, Ainv, grad, w) for (A, Ainv, grad, w) in zip(self.A, self.Ainv, grad, params)] self.A, self.Ainv, new_grad = list(map(list, zip(*new_values))) # compute max norm for normalization eta = if self.max_norm: self.max_norm = np.maximum(self.max_norm, np.linalg.norm([np.linalg.norm(dw) for dw in grad])) eta = eta * self.max_norm new_params = [w - eta * dw for (w, dw) in zip(params, new_grad)] if self.project: self.min_radius = np.maximum(self.min_radius, self.general_norm(y)) norm = 5. * self.min_radius new_params = [self.norm_project(p, A, norm) for (p, A) in zip(new_params, self.A)] return new_params if is_list else new_params[0]