Source code for tigercontrol.problems.time_series.crypto

bitcoin daily price

import tigercontrol
import os
import jax.numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from tigercontrol.utils import crypto, get_tigercontrol_dir
from tigercontrol.error import StepOutOfBounds
from tigercontrol.problems.time_series import TimeSeriesProblem

[docs]class Crypto(TimeSeriesProblem): """ Description: Outputs the daily price of bitcoin from 2013-04-28 to 2018-02-10 """ compatibles = set(['Crypto-v0', 'TimeSeries'])
[docs] def __init__(self): self.initialized = False self.has_regressors = False
def initialize(self): """ Description: Check if data exists, else download, clean, and setup. Args: None Returns: The first bitcoin price """ self.initialized = True self.T = 0 self.df = crypto() # get data self.max_T = self.df.shape[0] return self.df.iloc[self.T, 3] def step(self): """ Description: Moves time forward by one day and returns price of the bitcoin Args: None Returns: The next bitcoin price """ assert self.initialized self.T += 1 if self.T == self.max_T: raise StepOutOfBounds("Number of steps exceeded length of dataset ({})".format(self.max_T)) return self.df['Price'].iloc[self.T] def hidden(self): """ Description: Return the date corresponding to the last price of bitcoin that was returned Args: None Returns: Date (string) """ assert self.initialized ts = self.df['Date'].iloc[self.T]/1000 date_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return "Timestep: {} out of {}".format(self.T+1, self.max_T) + '\n' + str(date_time) def close(self): """ Not implemented """ pass def help(self): """ Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None """ print(crypto_help) def __str__(self): return "<Crypto Problem>"
# string to print when calling help() method crypto_help = """ -------------------- *** -------------------- Id: Crypto-v0 Description: Outputs the daily price of bitcoin from 2013-04-28 to 2018-02-10 Methods: initialize() Check if data exists, else download, clean, and setup. Args: None Returns: The first bitcoin price step() Description: Moves time forward by one day and returns price of the bitcoin Args: None Returns: The next bitcoin price hidden() Description: Return the date corresponding to the last price of bitcoin that was returned Args: None Returns: Date (string) help() Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None -------------------- *** -------------------- """