Source code for tigercontrol.utils.dataset_registry

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import shutil
import xlrd
import datetime
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tigercontrol.utils.download_tools import *

def to_datetime(date, time):
    Description: Takes a date and a time and converts it to a datetime object.
        date (string): Date in DD/MM/YYYY format
        time (string): Time in hh:mm format
        Datetime object containing date and time information
    day_month_year = [int(x) for x in date.split('/')]
    hour_min = [int(x) for x in time.split(':')]

    return datetime.datetime(day_month_year[2], 

def datetime_to_daysElapsed(cur_datetime, base_datetime):
        Computes the number of days elapsed since 'base' date.

        cur_datetime (datetime): Current date and time
        base_datetime (datetime): Base date and time
        Datetime object containing number of days elapsed
    time_delta = cur_datetime - base_datetime
    time_to_days = (time_delta.seconds)/(24 * 60 * 60)
    return time_delta.days + time_to_days

# Dataset credits:, 
# Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

[docs]def unemployment(verbose=True): """ Description: Checks if unemployment data exists, downloads if not. Dataset credits:, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Args: verbose (boolean): Specifies if download progress should be printed Returns: Dataframe containing Unemployment data """ import datetime from urllib.request import urlretrieve tigercontrol_dir = get_tigercontrol_dir() path_csv = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/unemployment.csv') if os.path.exists(path_csv): # if file exists return csv return pd.read_csv(path_csv) day = for i in range(10): # try downloading 10 times day_string = day.isoformat() url_core = "{}&revision_date={}&nd=1948-01-01" url_csv = url_core.format(day_string, day_string) try: urlretrieve(url_csv, path_csv) return pd.read_csv(path_csv) except Exception as e: if verbose: print("date {} download failed: {}".format(day, e)) day = day - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # try with previous day # final attempt try: url_csv = "" urlretrieve(url_csv, path_csv) return pd.read_csv(path_csv) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Error downloading URL: {}".format(e))
[docs]def uci_indoor(verbose=True): """ Description: Checks if uci_indoor data exists, downloads if not. Dataset credits: F. Zamora-Martínez, P. Romeu, P. Botella-Rocamora, J. Pardo, On-line learning of indoor temperature forecasting models towards energy efficiency, Energy and Buildings, Volume 83, November 2014, Pages 162-172, ISSN 0378-7788 Args: verbose (boolean): Specifies if download progress should be printed Returns: Dataframe containing uci_indoor data """ tigercontrol_dir = get_tigercontrol_dir() url_uci_indoor = '' path_uci_indoor_zip = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/') path_uci_indoor_unzip = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/uci_indoor') path_uci_indoor_txt1 = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/uci_indoor/NEW-DATA-1.T15.txt') path_uci_indoor_csv = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/uci_indoor.csv') path_uci_indoor_cleaned = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/uci_indoor_cleaned.csv') # check if files have been downloaded before, else download if not os.path.exists(path_uci_indoor_cleaned): download(path_uci_indoor_zip, url_uci_indoor, verbose) # get files from online URL unzip(path_uci_indoor_zip) os.remove(path_uci_indoor_zip) # clean up - remove unnecessary files with open(path_uci_indoor_txt1, 'r') as txt_file: list_of_vecs = [line.split() for line in txt_file] # clean downloaded data list_of_vecs[0] = list_of_vecs[0][1:] with open(path_uci_indoor_csv, "w") as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerows(list_of_vecs) shutil.rmtree(path_uci_indoor_unzip) # clean up - remove unnecessary files df = pd.read_csv(path_uci_indoor_csv) base_datetime = to_datetime(df['1:Date'].iloc[0], df['2:Time'].iloc[0]) def uci_datetime_converter(row): return datetime_to_daysElapsed(to_datetime(row['1:Date'],row['2:Time']), base_datetime) df['24:Day_Of_Week'] = df.apply(uci_datetime_converter, axis=1) with open(path_uci_indoor_csv,'r') as csvinput: with open(path_uci_indoor_cleaned, 'w') as csvoutput: writer = csv.writer(csvoutput, lineterminator='\n') reader = csv.reader(csvinput) r = 0 appended_csv = [next(reader) + ['25:Days_Elapsed']] for row in reader: row.append(df['24:Day_Of_Week'].iloc[r]) appended_csv.append(row) r += 1 writer.writerows(appended_csv) os.remove(path_uci_indoor_csv) df = pd.read_csv(path_uci_indoor_cleaned) # clean up - remove unnecessary files return df
[docs]def sp500(verbose=True): """ Description: Checks if S&P500 data exists, downloads if not. Args: verbose (boolean): Specifies if download progress should be printed Returns: Dataframe containing S&P500 data """ tigercontrol_dir = get_tigercontrol_dir() url_sp500_xls = '' path_sp500_xls = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/sp500_xls.xls') path_sp500_txt = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/sp500_col.txt') path_sp500_csv = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/sp500.csv') # check if files have been downloaded before, else download if not os.path.exists(path_sp500_csv): download(path_sp500_xls, url_sp500_xls, verbose) # get files from online URL book = xlrd.open_workbook(path_sp500_xls) sh = book.sheet_by_index(0) sp500_col = open(path_sp500_txt, 'w') for r in range(5, 8197): date = datetime.datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sh.cell_value(r,0), book.datemode)) sp500_col.write(str(date) + "," + str(sh.cell(r, 3).value)+"\n") sp500_col.close() with open(path_sp500_txt) as f: # clean downloaded data with open(path_sp500_csv,'w') as out: csv_out=csv.writer(out) csv_out.writerow(['date','value']) for x in f.readlines(): date_val_list = x.strip().split(',') date_val_list[0] = (date_val_list[0].split(' '))[0] csv_out.writerow(date_val_list) os.remove(path_sp500_xls) # clean up - remove unnecessary files os.remove(path_sp500_txt) return pd.read_csv(path_sp500_csv)
[docs]def crypto(): """ Description: Checks if cryptocurrency data exists, downloads if not. Args: None Returns: Dataframe containing cryptocurrency data """ tigercontrol_dir = get_tigercontrol_dir() path_crypto_csv = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/crypto.csv') if not os.path.exists(path_crypto_csv): df = pd.read_csv('') dict_of_currency_dfs = {k: v for k, v in df.groupby('Currency')} bdf = dict_of_currency_dfs['bitcoin'] bdf.to_csv(path_crypto_csv) return pd.read_csv(path_crypto_csv)
[docs]def enso(input_signals, include_month, output_signals, history, timeline): """ Description: Transforms the ctrl_indices dataset into a format suitable for online learning. Args: input_signals (list of strings): signals used for prediction include_month (boolean): True if the month should be used as a feature, False otherwise output_signals (list of strings): signals we are trying to predict history (int): number of past observations used for prediction timeline (int/list of ints): the forecasting timeline(s) Returns: X (numpy.ndarray): Input Observations y (numpy.ndarray): Labels """ ############################## GET DATA ################################### tigercontrol_dir = get_tigercontrol_dir() datapath = os.path.join(tigercontrol_dir, 'data/enso.csv') signals_pd = pd.read_csv(datapath) signal_length = signals_pd['nino34'].values.shape[0] # make timeline into np.array if(type(timeline) is int): timeline = [timeline] timeline = np.array(timeline) ################################ GET ONI ################################### ''' 0. Get nino34 signal for ONI''' nino34 = signals_pd['nino34'].values ''' 1. Get climatology ''' clm = np.zeros(12) for month in range(12): section = [12 * i + month for i in range(signal_length // 12)] clm[month] = np.mean(nino34[section]) ''' 2. Compute anomaly ''' anm = np.array(nino34) for i in range(signal_length): anm[i] = nino34[i] - clm[i % 12] ''' 3. Get ONI ''' oni = np.array(anm) m = 3 for i in range(signal_length): oni[i] = np.mean(anm[max(0, (i - m + 1)) : min((i + 1), signal_length)]) ########################## PREPARE INPUT/ OUTPUT SIGNALS ############################ # input signals X_signals = np.zeros((signal_length, 0)) for signal in input_signals: if(signal == 'oni'): new_signal = oni.reshape((signal_length, 1)) else: new_signal = (signals_pd[signal].values).reshape((signal_length, 1)) X_signals = np.append(X_signals, new_signal, axis = 1) if(include_month): new_signal = (np.arange(signal_length) % 12).reshape((signal_length, 1)) X_signals = np.append(X_signals, new_signal, axis = 1) # output signals y_signals = np.zeros((signal_length, 0)) for signal in output_signals: if(signal == 'oni'): new_signal = oni.reshape((signal_length, 1)) else: new_signal = (signals_pd[signal].values).reshape((signal_length, 1)) y_signals = np.append(y_signals, new_signal, axis = 1) ########################## CONVERT SIGNALS TO (X, y) ############################# effective_length = signal_length - history - np.max(timeline) # Observations X = np.ndarray((effective_length, history, np.array(input_signals).shape[0] + include_month)) for i in range(effective_length): X[i, 0:history, :] = X_signals[i:(i + history)] # if we use only one observation if(history == 1): X = X.reshape((effective_length, np.array(input_signals).shape[0] + include_month)) # Labels y = np.ndarray((effective_length, timeline.shape[0], np.array(output_signals).shape[0])) n_t = 0 for t in timeline: for i in range(effective_length): y[i, n_t, :] = y_signals[i + history + t - 1] n_t += 1 # if we predict only one timeline if(timeline.shape[0] == 1): y = y.reshape((effective_length, np.array(output_signals).shape[0])) return (X, y)