Source code for tigercontrol.models.control.ilqr

Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator
import jax
import jax.numpy as np
import tigercontrol
from tigercontrol.models.control import ControlModel

[docs]class ILQR(ControlModel): """ Description: Computes optimal set of actions using the Linear Quadratic Regulator algorithm. """ compatibles = set([])
[docs] def __init__(self): self.initialized = False
def initialize(self, problem_dynamics, L, dim_x, dim_u): """ Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model Args: problem (instance/function): problem instance *OR* dynamics of problem L (function): loss function dim_x (int): state_space dimension dim_u (int): action_space dimension """ self.initialized = True # initialize dynamics, loss, and derivatives if callable(problem_dynamics): dyn = problem_dynamics else: dyn = problem_dynamics.dynamics self.dyn = dyn self.L = L self.dim_x = dim_x self.dim_u = dim_u dyn_jacobian = jax.jit(jax.jacrev(dyn, argnums=(0,1))) L_grad = jax.jit(jax.grad(L, argnums=(0,1))) L_hessian = jax.jit(jax.hessian(L, argnums=(0,1))) self.total_cost = jax.jit(lambda x, u: np.sum([self.L(x_t, u_t) for x_t, u_t in zip(x, u)])) # computes total cost over trajectory """ Description: run LQR on provided matrices (this version computes delta-x and delta-u). dyn: dynamics, T: number of time steps to plan, x: current states, u: current actions F, f: dynamics linearization, C,c: cost linearization """ @jax.jit def lqr_iteration(F_t, C_t, c_t, V, v, lamb): dim_x, dim_u = self.dim_x, self.dim_u Q = C_t + F_t.T @ V @ F_t q = c_t + F_t.T @ v Q_uu, Q_ux, Q_xx = Q[dim_x:, dim_x:], Q[dim_x:, :dim_x], Q[:dim_x, :dim_x] q_u, q_x = q[dim_x:], q[:dim_x] Q_uu_evals, Q_uu_evecs = np.linalg.eigh(Q_uu) Q_uu_evals = lamb + np.maximum(Q_uu_evals, 0.0) Q_uu_inv = Q_uu_evecs @ np.diag(1. / Q_uu_evals) @ Q_uu_evecs.T K_t = -Q_uu_inv @ Q_ux k_t = -Q_uu_inv @ q_u V = Q_xx + Q_ux.T @ K_t + K_t.T @ Q_ux + K_t.T @ Q_uu @ K_t v = q_x + Q_ux.T @ k_t + K_t.T @ q_u + K_t.T @ Q_uu @ k_t return K_t, k_t, V, v def lqr(T, x, u, F, C, c, lamb): dim_x, dim_u = self.dim_x, self.dim_u V, v = np.zeros((dim_x, dim_x)), np.zeros((dim_x,)) K, k = T * [None], T * [None] ## Backward Recursion ## for t in reversed(range(T)): K_t, k_t, V, v = lqr_iteration(F[t], C[t], c[t], V, v, lamb) K[t] = K_t k[t] = k_t ## Forward Recursion ## x_stack, u_stack = [], [] x_t = x[0] for t in range(T): u_t = u[t] + K[t] @ (x_t - x[t]) + k[t] x_stack.append(x_t) u_stack.append(u_t) x_t = dyn(x_t, u_t) return x_stack, u_stack self._lqr = lqr """ Description: linearize provided system dynamics and loss, given initial state and actions. """ @jax.jit def linearization_iteration(x_t, u_t): block = lambda A: np.vstack([np.hstack([A[0][0], A[0][1]]), np.hstack([A[1][0], A[1][1]])]) # np.block not yet implemented F_t = np.hstack(dyn_jacobian(x_t, u_t)) C_t = block(L_hessian(x_t, u_t)) c_t = np.hstack(L_grad(x_t, u_t)) return F_t, C_t, c_t def linearization(T, x, u): F, C, c = [], [], [] # list appending is faster than matrix index update for t in range(T): F_t, C_t, c_t = linearization_iteration(x[t], u[t]) F.append(F_t) C.append(C_t) c.append(c_t) return F, C, c self._linearization = linearization def plan(self, x_0, T, max_iterations=10, lamb=0.1, threshold=None): dim_x, dim_u = self.dim_x, self.dim_u u = [np.zeros((dim_u,)) for t in range(T)] x = [x_0] [x.append(self.dyn(x[-1], u_t)) for u_t in u] old_cost = self.total_cost(x, u) count = 0 while count < max_iterations: count += 1 F, C, c = self._linearization(T, x, u) x_new, u_new = self._lqr(T, x, u, F, C, c, lamb) new_cost = self.total_cost(x_new, u_new) if new_cost < old_cost: x, u = x_new, u_new if threshold and (old_cost - new_cost) / old_cost < threshold: break lamb /= 2.0 old_cost = new_cost else: lamb *= 2.0 return u def help(self): """ Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None """ print(ILQR_help) def __str__(self): return "<iLQR Model>"
# string to print when calling help() method ILQR_help = """ -------------------- *** -------------------- Id: ILQR Description: Computes optimal set of actions using the Linear Quadratic Regulator algorithm. Methods: initialize(F, f, C, c, T, x) Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model Args: F (float/numpy.ndarray): past value contribution coefficients f (float/numpy.ndarray): bias coefficients C (float/numpy.ndarray): quadratic cost coefficients c (float/numpy.ndarray): linear cost coefficients T (postive int): number of timesteps x (float/numpy.ndarray): initial state step() Description: Updates internal parameters and then returns the estimated optimal set of actions Args: None Returns: Estimated optimal set of actions predict() Description: Returns estimated optimal set of actions Args: None Returns: Estimated optimal set of actions update() Description: Updates internal parameters Args: None help() Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None -------------------- *** -------------------- """