Source code for tigercontrol.models.control.mppi


import jax
import jax.numpy as np
import jax.random as random
from tigercontrol.utils import generate_key
import tigercontrol
from tigercontrol.models.control import ControlModel

[docs]class MPPI(ControlModel): """ Description: Implements Model Predictive Path Integral Control to compute optimal control sequence. """ compatibles = set(['PyBullet'])
[docs] def __init__(self): self.initialized = False
def initialize(self, env, K, T, U, lambda_=1.0, noise_mu=0, noise_sigma=1, u_init=1): """ Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model. Args: env (problem): The problem instance K (non-negative int): Number of trajectory samples T (non-negative int): Number of time steps U (array): Initial control sequence lambda_ (float): Scaling to ensure non-zero cost noise_mu (float): Mean of perturbation noise_sigma (float): Variance of perturbation u_init (float): Initial action """ self.initialized = True self.K = K self.T = T self.lambda_ = lambda_ self.noise_mu = noise_mu self.noise_sigma = noise_sigma self.U = U self.u_init = u_init self.cost_total = np.zeros(shape=(self.K)) self.env = env self.x_init = self.env.getState() self.noise = (random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(self.K, self.T))) * noise_sigma + noise_mu def _ensure_non_zero(self, cost, beta, factor): return np.exp(-factor * (cost - beta)) def _update(): for k in range(self.K): self.compute_total_cost(k) beta = np.min(self.cost_total) # minimum cost of all trajectories cost_total_non_zero = self._ensure_non_zero(cost=self.cost_total, beta=beta, factor=1/self.lambda_) eta = np.sum(cost_total_non_zero) omega = 1/eta * cost_total_non_zero self.U += self.noise.T @ omega self.env.env.state = self.x_init s, r, _, _ = self.env.step([self.U[0]]) self.env.render() self.U = np.roll(self.U, -1) # shift all elements to the left self.U = jax.ops.index_update(self.U, -1, self.u_init) self.cost_total = np.zeros(self.cost_total.shape) self.x_init = self.env.getState() return self._ensure_non_zero = jax.jit(_ensure_non_zero) self._update = jax.jit(_update) def compute_total_cost(self, k): self.env.env.state = self.x_init for t in range(self.T): perturbed_action_t = self.U[t] + self.noise[k, t] _, reward, _, _ = self.env.step([perturbed_action_t]) self.cost_total = jax.ops.index_update(self.cost_total, k, self.cost_total[k] - reward) def plan(self, n = 100): """ Description: Updates internal parameters and then returns the estimated optimal set of actions Args: n (non-negative int): Number of updates Returns: Estimated optimal set of actions """ for i in range(n): self._update() return self.U def help(self): """ Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None """ print(MPPI_help) def __str__(self): return "<MPPI Model>"
# string to print when calling help() method MPPI_help = """ -------------------- *** -------------------- Id: MPPI Description: Implements Model Predictive Path Integral Control to compute optimal control sequence. Methods: initialize(env, K, T, U, lambda_=1.0, noise_mu=0, noise_sigma=1, u_init=1) Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model Args: env (problem): The problem instance K (non-negative int): Number of trajectory samples T (non-negative int): Number of time steps U (array): Initial control sequence lambda_ (float): Scaling to ensure non-zero cost noise_mu (float): Mean of perturbation noise_sigma (float): Variance of perturbation u_init (float): Initial action step() Description: Updates internal parameters and then returns the estimated optimal set of actions Args: n (non-negative int): Number of updates Returns: Estimated optimal set of actions predict() Description: Returns estimated optimal set of actions Args: None Returns: Estimated optimal set of actions update() Description: Updates internal parameters Args: n (non-negative int): Number of updates help() Description: Prints information about this class and its methods. Args: None Returns: None -------------------- *** -------------------- """